DVNext Rheometer

AMETEK Brookfield's DVNext Rheometer

DVNext Rheometer

The DVNext Rheometer incorporates advanced features for repeatability and reliability. It is an easy-to-use, stand-alone instrument for measuring viscosity and yield stress. Rheometers are scientific instruments used to measure the flow and deformation properties of materials, and there are various models and brands available from different manufacturers.


Standard Version

  • Digital Leveling
  • Start-up Wizard
  • Gel-Timer Functionality
  • Optional Magnetic Coupling Attachment (replaces EZ-lock)
  • Optional Bar Code Scanner
  • 17025 Calibration (Optional)

Compliant Version

  • Hand-held Scanner for Bar Code Detection
  • Accessory Detection with Bar Code Detection
  • Magnetic Coupling Attachment (replaces EZ-Lock)
  • Compliance to 21CFR Part 11 in Stand-alone and GAMP Compliant
  • Ethernet Connectivity
  • LIMS Connectivity
  • Printing to non-editable PDF

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Industries :
Food & Feed