ARL X’TRA Companion X-ray Diffractometer



ARL X’TRA Companion diffractometer is perfectly designed to be a cost-effective solution for routine QC/QA in industrial laboratories. Thanks to its state-of-the-art solid-state 2D detector, high-resolution data is collected within minutes.

This robust and accurate benchtop X-ray diffractometer comes with one-click Rietveld quantification capabilities and automated result transmission to a LIMS, and it complies with international X-ray safety regulations.

ARL X’TRA Companion X-ray Diffractometer features

The Thermo Scientific ARL X’TRA Companion is a simple, easy-to-use benchtop XRD system for routine analysis and more advanced applications.

  • XRD benchtop system
  • Configuration: θ/θ Bragg-Brentano geometry
  • Goniometer with stepping motors and optical encoders
  • X-Ray beam collimation obtained by mechanical slits, Soller Slits and variable beam knife
  • Solid state pixel detector (55×55µm pitch) of the last generation for fast and resolute data collection
  • 1-position sample holder or automated analysis with a 6-position sample changer
  • Cu or Co anode X-Ray tube
  • Optional integrated water cooling
  • Data processing with one-click Rietveld quantification capabilities
  • Automated result transmission to a LIMS
  • Easy to use and install in various environments
  • Data treatment and applications: Qualitative and quantitative crystalline phase analysis / Degree of crystallinity calculation / Polymorph screening / Cell parameters, crystallite size and lattice strain determination / Rietveld refinement for structural characterization
  • Domains of application: Cement, Materials Science, Minerals, Geology, Nanomaterials, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Energy materials, Catalysts, Ceramics, Polymers, Metallurgy, Semiconductors, Mining, Teaching

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